I think everybody thinks a year abroad seems so good. I thought the same, before I left Germany. I thought, everything would be perfect and I could forget all the problems from Germany. I cried, because I was so happy when I arrived in Vancouver. Then I met my hostfamily and they were so nice. A few days later my hostsister also arrived. I was so happy and excited for my first school day. But my first school day was horrible. I was so close to crying at school. For the first time I really felt alone. I think it is normal for the Canadian students to have international students in their class. So it is nothing special for them and they do not make an effort to talk to them. I came home and told my hostmum, that I was never going to have friends. The next two months I spent lunch with my hostsister and some other international students. Then I met a really nice girl in my PE and Community Recreation class, Kaitlyn. She did not ignore me and invited me to spend lunch with her and her friends. Now they are all good friends and I will miss them so much, when I return to Germany. I do not feel alone anymore. But I needed 3 months for this. It was not an easy time for me. I cried and missed everything, but now I am happy. If you want to do an exchange, do not give up. It will be hard, but you just get stronger, because "What does not kill you, makes you stronger!"
I love you, Mum and Dad.
Take care