Montag, 9. Januar 2017

New Years Eve and Skiing

I had a perfect New Years Eve. I spent it at my friends´s house up the hill. We got so much snow. It was so beautiful, but the power got out from 8pm to 8am. The atmosphere with the candles was gorgeous. We also drove with Feli´s hostdad in a snowmobile. That was so much fun. We had some firework but not as much as in Germany. But it was a lot louder. I was really pleased with the New Years Eve.
On Friday we went skiing at Hemlock with our Community Recreation class. I just skied once when I have been 5. I was really afraid that I will be bad at it. But I had so much fun. I am looking forwad to go skiing again on Friday.
Take care Nina
 Feli, Luise, Malin and I

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